
PRIMEMILL - Suction Unit: Changing of the Filter Bag and the HEPA-Filter

After every 120 milled Zirconia restorations the filter bag must be changed. After 3 - 4 changes of the filter bag, also the HEPA-Filter must be changed.

The necessity of changing the filter bag is displayed at the touch screen menu of the Primemill. For this work please urgently wear a face mask and gloves. The Zirconia dust is harmful. At first the front cover must be removed by loosen the two knurled nuts. Then the filter bag is visible and can be removed. If You want to change additional the HEPA-Filter, the perforated shield must be removed by releasing the two screws at it. After replacing the filters the front shield can be closed. Don't forget to reset the data at the Primemill display.
Difficulty level:
Beginner |Advanced
Creation date:
05:08 Min.

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